What are Brain Jewells?
On a very basic level, Brain Jewells are energetic products ( fabric, clothing, art, multimedia and accessories) made with Henry Bergeson Kaleidoscopes. They are powerful, geometric images that add color and pattern to your world. Brain Jewells a meaning to uplift and educate. They are created by Leilani Raashida Henry. We do custom costumes and art pieces upon request.
What do Brain Jewells do?
13 Brain Jewel mandalas assist in identifying and removing blocks, mental, physical or otherwise, to help you move closer to your goals. The Brain Jewells Wearable Art uses subtle, organic patterns to inspire, soothe and energize.
Why use Brain Jewells?
On a deeper level, Brain Jewells help you get what you need, even if you’re not sure what that is. The concept is built into the clothing and art. People report better mood, productive workouts, more energy and self satisfaction.
Who are Brain Jewells for?
Brain Jewells may be used by anyone, including children, who love them. Brain Jewells can be used with other healing modalities, such as reiki or counseling. Energy workers and therapists report increased wellbeing for themselves and their clients. When wearing the clothing, unseen benefits may surprise you.
How do Brain Jewells work?
Research conducted by the Energy Medicine Research Institute, in Boulder CO, and the GDV camera shows increased energy and alignment, chakras become more balanced and the subtle energy field increase while wearing a Brain Jewel Pendant.
Who created Brain Jewells?
Leilani Raashida Henry is creator of 13Brain Jewels®, and Brain Jewells clothing. She is a Transformation Catalyst and a licensed Brain Gym Consultant. She’s held leadership positions with Fortune 500 companies, founded a national theater group, and produced Connections- a radio program for KNGU. As the founder of Being and Living® Enterprises, Leilani helps individuals, and organizations conquer obstacles and advance their purpose and performance.
According to Leilani Henry, M.A., founder of Being and Living Enterprises, what could be slowing your personal momentum is all in your head – literally. Leilani specializes in optimizing your brain’s chemistry and boosting your innate intelligence. By helping you transform your perceptual filters, she gets your creative juices flowing and focused. The results are significant.” – Mountain Connection Magazine. Leilani Henry is licensed in Educational Kinesiology, certified in Matrix Energetics and a Sacred Mayan Day Keeper. She has 20 years experience working with issues that effect energy and vitality, heart-brain-body connection, relationship building and work-life balance.
Her journey as a healer began in college. Intrigued by raw food and the mind-body connection, she studied with Dr. Ann Wigmore of Hippocrates Health Institute and Dr. Aaron Flickstein (who’s mentor is Dr. Deepak Chopra). As a life long performer and dancer, Leilani knows the importance, first hand, of mind-body connection and brain integration for optimal health and wellness.
Leilani is a thought leader in the field of workplace creativity and wellbeing, as cited in several national publications and organizations such as new visions in business, FAST Company and the Fetzer Institute. As creator of the Brain Jewells Transformation System, she was awarded a fellowship for her work at the Regis University’s Institute on the Common Good. For her research on Antarctica, she stepped on the continent, like her father and is now an advocate for planetary consciousness.
In 2016, her “Navigating Conflict” chapter is published in the book, Management and Leadership for Medical Faculty. She has assisted hundreds of people from opera singers to corporate leaders on their road to optimal health and wellness.