Find Your Favorite Brain Jewell

When working with the 13 Brain Jewel images, you select an image to which you are drawn. It might be the colors, shapes or patterns.  You can also select based on the colors or words below.  While working with the large images, people have found they gain balance or work through a challenge.  When you have a Brain Jewell session or purchase the Brain Jewell card deck, it comes with a one page description of the image.

  The Jewels

 Copyright © Leilani Henry

Refer to the above jewels for each corresponding number:

1.   Organization – Purpose 8.   Work Life Balance  – Integrity
2.   Pairs/Opposites – Challenge 9.   Postures – Intention
3.   Dialogue – Willingness 10. Physical Organs – Manifestation
4.   Creativity Cycle – Form  11. Relationship Roles – Liberation
5.   Senses – Empowerment 12. Learning Methods – Cooperation
6.   Capacities – Balance 13. Aspirations – Transcendence
7.   Environments – Attunement